Voices in Unity – NBVM & Kulim Tamil Youths Celebrate World Youth Day

On the auspicious occasion of World Youth Day 2024, the Tamil Youths of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (NBVM) Parish hosted their very first collaborative Tamil choir. Held on 24th November 2024 at 7 AM, the Tamil Mass was enriched by the combined voices of the NBVM Tamil Youths and the Tamil Youths from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Kulim.

This collaboration marked a significant milestone, as it was the first time the NBVM Tamil Youths had invited another parish to join their choir. The event brought together young talents, united by their shared faith and love for music. The joint choir beautifully performed hymns and liturgical chants, adding a divine touch to the World Youth Day celebrations.

This initiative not only showcased the harmonious blend of voices from two parishes but also symbolised unity and fellowship within the Tamil Catholic community. The NBVM Tamil Youths expressed their gratitude to the Kulim Tamil Youths for their enthusiasm and dedication in making this collaboration a success.

Through this historic effort, the Tamil Youths hope to inspire future collaborations and strengthen ties between neighbouring parishes, fostering a spirit of togetherness and shared devotion. (NBVM Tamil Youths)

Singers from Kulim
Jensen John Kennedy
Monna Flavia Rojass

Musician from Kulim
Shanen Donald Stephen (Keys)
Jeremy Mattews Thomas (Drums)