Easter High Praise: Filled with Holy Spirit

On the evening of Good Shepherd Sunday, 30 April, Jeffin anak Nareh with beautiful vocal and rhythmic music led 100 parishioners into a night of praise and worship in preparation for Pentecost Sunday. Parishioners of all age groups gathered together at the Nativity Conference Hall for a night filled with the rich, prayerful and soulful music to experience the presence of God. Everyone present felt the warmth and joy of the worship and left with peace and hope in their hearts.

Fr. Dom shared the word from Acts 2: 1-4. He explained that there are three parts to this reading: preparation, participation and Pastoral mission.


the disciples were feeling lost and afraid after the crucifixion. They had huddled together in the upper room away from the enemies.


On Pentecost Sunday, the room was filled with “strong wind” and the Holy Spirit descended on them in tongues of fire. They were filled with hope and courage. They were now spirit filled people.

Pastoral Mission:

It was a call for discipleship. They went out of the room and influenced others to follow Christ. They were no longer afraid. They went out shared the love of Christ. We are also called to be on this Pastoral Mission.