Love is not an Investment!
Love is not an investment! It is a gift. Investment focuses on returns but love gives without measure. As St. Rose of Lima explains, “love is difficult but it is […]
Love is not an investment! It is a gift. Investment focuses on returns but love gives without measure. As St. Rose of Lima explains, “love is difficult but it is […]
Sharing the good news. It’s a command that Jesus set out for us, to be the catalyst for eternal heart change in our neighbours and throughout the world as we […]
“This week Jesus gives an interesting image of the vine and branches to illustrate to us that our lives must be connected and grounded in Him in order to bear […]
The first to arrive and last to leave the church, sacristan Vancen Albons had spent the last 25 years serving the parish of NBVM and SCIC. In the time he […]
Sharing the good news. It’s a command that Jesus set out for us, to be the catalyst for eternal heart change in our neighbours and throughout the world as we […]
“Come “was what Fr. Konstend heard that led him into his priesthood. On this special day of the Good Shepherd, Fr. Konstend shared his story of his call to serve […]
On 13 April, the Nativity Riders of Penang began their journey from SCIC and headed towards the three churches in Penang- Our Lady of Sorrows, Immaculate Conception, and the Cathedral […]
Sharing the good news. It’s a command that Jesus set out for us, to be the catalyst for eternal heart change in our neighbours and throughout the world as we […]
This week’s readings (Acts 3: 13, 1 J 2: 1-5 and Lk 24: 35-48) all point to sin, repentance and forgiveness said Fr. Dom. We are urged to repent and […]