Catching up over Teh Tarik

Parishioners gathered for a casual chit chat session on Zoom with parish priest, Fr Dominic Santhiyagu and several parish leaders last Wednesday, 21st July. The Teh Tarik with NBVM Parishioners virtual event was organised as an effort to keep in touch with the parish community and to update everyone on ongoing parish initiatives, including the Nativity Centre and NBVM Church renovation.

The event kicked off with the reading and reflection on the Parable of the Sower. In his reflection, Fr Dom said that as people who have received the Word, we are all challenged to produce good crop and rich fruits. He acknowledged that many among the attendees are those who have contributed in one way or another to the parish and community. We therefore must praise God for the opportunity we have had to serve and pray for the grace to continue touching the lives of others, he said.

The session continued with a fun poll where attendees had their general knowledge put to the test and were also quizzed on the parish history. This led to friendly debates as the participants sought to clarify some of the answers. Some also learnt a thing or two about our parish history, including the fact that parishioners had to travel by sampan from Perai to NBVM Church in the days prior to the construction of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Bridge.

A survey was also done among the attendees to understand their interest and participation in virtual events, the parish website and social media pages. This was followed by an open Q&A session where the attendees were free to ask any questions to Fr Dom and the leaders. Questions ranged from updates on the Nativity Centre and NBVM Church renovation to reopening the church back for Masses. There was also a discussion on ways to assist the elderly to have better access to devices and online events.

All in all, it was a pleasant evening for all who attended and an excellent way to stay in touch as we continue to be in lockdown for more than 2 months now.