Diamond Jubilee Celebration for a Beloved Former Parish Priest

On Saturday, June 15, NBVM parishioners gathered to honour and celebrate a beloved former parish priest, Archbishop Emeritus Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam, on the occasion of his 60th sacerdotal anniversary.

The Mass was presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Sebastian Francis and con-celebrated with four priests, including parish priest Rev Fr Dominic Santhiyagu. Also in attendance were the family members of Archbishop Emeritus Murphy, including his siblings and their families.

“For us Catholics, thanksgiving is a way of life; it is our daily bread. And the Eucharist too simply means thanksgiving,” said Cardinal Sebastian. “If we have the energy to move forward, it is because we are a thankful people, moved by the Holy Spirit. This gratitude is what sustained Murphy Pakiam for the past 60 years. Today, we join him in giving thanks to God,” he added.

In his homily, Cardinal Sebastian highlighted that Penang diocese has trained and formed five bishops, who were then sent to serve in other dioceses, showcasing a truly missionary spirit. “We have been a generous diocese, and we will continue to be one,” he affirmed.

Quoting St Paul’s second letter to Timothy, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself” (2 Tim 2:13), Cardinal Sebastian said that the presence of Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam and everyone at the celebration is a testament to God’s faithfulness. God cannot but be faithful; he is faithfulness itself.

We, on the other hand, have the freedom to choose. The celebration, therefore, was an occasion to give thanks for God’s faithfulness to Archbishop Emeritus Murphy and for his choosing to be faithful to God in his vocation. Cardinal Sebastian concluded his homily with the blessings “Ad multos annos”  (to many years) and “Tu es sacerdos in aeternum” (you are a priest forever).

Following the final blessing, the parish took the opportunity to honour the jubilarian. Ms Agnes Chin, a parishioner who actively served in various ministries when Archbishop Emeritus Murphy was our parish priest delivered a heartfelt speech recalling her experiences. She shared how as a Catechism teacher she witnessed his love and care for the children and concern for their spiritual growth. She added that fellowship with parishioners was a priority to him. He also always guided and encouraged the lectors to be proclaimers of the Word and introduced the parishioners to the Liturgy of the Hours.  

The speech was followed by a video presentation in thanksgiving of Archbishop Emeritus Murphy’s 60 years of faithful service to the Church, after which he shared a few words about his experiences over the years as Archbishop and gave the congregation a blessing.

After Mass, many attendees took the opportunity to personally share a few words with Archbishop Emeritus Murphy and receive his blessings. Joy and laughter rang as many familiar faces were recognised and cherished memories were shared.

Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam served as parish priest of NBVM from 1990 to 1995. He is much loved and fondly remembered for his warm and cheerful nature and sharp memory, often remembering parishioners by name. Archbishop Emeritus Murphy was instrumental in initiating the Migrant and Family Life Ministries, as well as numerous other programmes and formations that enriched the parish’s spiritual life. He also oversaw the completion of the Church of Sts Chastan and Imbert in Perai in 1995 before he left to take up the position of auxiliary bishop of Kuala Lumpur.

For more photos of the celebration, please visit the following links:

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