Parish Family Day 2024: Year of Communion

This year the Parish Family Day was once again jointly organised by the Mandarin and Tamil Apostolate. It began with praise and worship at 8.30 am followed by a multilingual mass and then it was all fun, games and fellowship.

The Parish Family day fell on 19 May – Day of Pentecost and Birthday of the Church. It was a significant day to bring all the different language groups as one community in Christ. Fr. Dom stressed on the message of being one in Christ. He said that the disciples spoke in different languages but everyone understood them (Acts 2:1-11); that was because they spoke the language of LOVE!
This year being the Year of Communion, parishioners have been encouraged to make more effort in getting to know one another and work together irrespective of race and language for God’s glory. The Parish Family Day was a memorable day that brought the people together regardless of age, race or language. We were all one big family!
Live Music

Games and Activities

Lucky Draws, Prizes and Winners


It was truly an eventful day with all the different language groups coming together as one parish