Thank You My NBVM Family

Meliana, a foreign worker, is returning home to Indonesia after being part of the NBVM & SCIC community the past 8 years. Here is her farewell message for all of us.

Ribuan terima kasih saya ucapkan untuk 8 tahun saya bergabung dengan umat gereja ini… Waktu yang panjang.
Walaupun kami hanya pekerja asing, tapi di dalam gereja ini kami diperlakukan seperti keluarga.
Semua umat sangat baik, peduli dengan segala keluh kesah kami.
Tetap jaya NBVM & SCIC, semoga segala rancangan pembangunan akan terselesai secepatnya dan sebaik-baiknya.

I would like to say a big thank you to all parishioners for accepting me as part of the community for the past 8 years, truly a long time.
Even though we are only migrant workers, we are always welcomed and accepted as part of the family in this parish. The parishioners are constantly concerned of our wellbeing.
Remain glorious NBVM & SCIC, may all the development plans be completed as soon as possible and as well as possible.

(A letter from a fellow parishioner from the migrant community – Rina)

Dear Meliana,
Selamat telah menamatkan kerja dengan baik…
Selamat menjalani hari hari yang akan datang, semoga langkahmu selanjutnya akan membawamu kepada berkat Tuhan yang lebih lagi. Apapun rencanamu di depan, semoga sesuai dengan kehendak Bapa di Surga. Dimanapun kamu berada, lakukanlah segala sesuatu untuk Tuhan dan dalam Tuhan. Terima kasih karena sudah menjadi bagian dari jemaat di St. Chastan & Imbert Church Penang, Malaysia.
Terima kasih sudah setia bersama para MIGRAN Indonesia selama kurang lebih 10 tahun. Semoga kenangan selama di paroki ini menjadi berkat tersendiri bagimu. Banyak hal yang sudah dilalui bersama. Semua tertata indah sesuai kehendak Tuhan.
Bawalah kenangan indah bersama para sahabat seiman. Salam dari kami jemaat paroki Penang untuk paroki di Berastagih, Sumatra Utara. Semoga kelak kita dapat berjumpa dalam sukacita gembira. Selamat sampai tujuan ya saudari. Terima kasih banyak.
Semoga kamu diberkati dalam Nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus.

Dear Meliana,
Congratulations on completing a good job…
May you find success in your future, I hope your next steps will lead you to even more blessings from God
Whatever your plans may be, may they be pleasing to the will of the Father in Heaven. Wherever you may be, do it all for the Lord and in the Lord.
Thank you for being part of the community in St. Chastan & Imbert Church, Penang, Malaysia.
Thank you for your commitment and faithfulness towards the Indonesian migrant community for almost 10 years.
May your memories in this parish be a blessing to you. We have gone through a lot together. Everything was beautifully arranged according to God’s will. Share these memories to others in the faith.
Greetings from us, the Penang parish congregation, for the parish in Berastagih, North Sumatra.
Hopefully, one day we can joyfully meet again. May you safely reach your destination, dear sister. Thank you very much.
May you be blessed in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

2 Replies to “Thank You My NBVM Family”

  1. Patricia Mikat

    Selamat pulang ke tanahair saudari lina.. Semoga kasih karunia Tuhan sentiasa menyertai perjalananmu.. Tuhan memberkati..

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