To Be Part of an Everlasting Ripple of God’s Love and Mercy
This week, we see Jesus submitting himself to the baptism of repentance by John even though he is not a sinner. At that moment, the heavens open, the spirit descends upon Jesus and the Father affirms His love for His son.
Fr. Martin explained that the baptism of the Lord allowed us the see the power of the Holy Trinity at work. It was a moment of love revealed to us. Jesus who is pure immersed himself in the baptismal waters to be part of our humanity – immerses in our sins and thus sanctifies the sacrament of baptism. Thus, we too are united in the Trinity through the sacrament of baptism. Jesus is also the “lamb of God”, the sacrificial lamb sacrificed for our sins. It is through His Divine Mercy that we are saved.
Fr. Martin added that the Feast of the baptism of the Lord is thus a reminder of our participation in the work of Jesus on earth. We are called to continue his work of mercy through the gifts of the spirit in our everyday lives. Through the simple acts of kindness and love that we show to our fellow human beings, we could be part of an everlasting ripple of God’s mercy and love.
We are called to continue his work of mercy through the gifts of the spirit in our everyday lives.