Behold the Lamb of God John 1:36

During the sunset mass on 18 January, Fr. Dom spoke on three lessons to be learned from the Gospel of John (1: 29-34), Isaiah (49:3,5-6) and Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians 1(1:1-3)

  1. Self-knowledge- WHO AM I?

Fr. Dom urged the congregation to know who they are. He explained that self-knowledge is needed to understand ourselves and know what we are called to be. “Who am I ? Ask yourselves”, he said. He added that we become empowered when we know ourselves and hence fulfill our mission to the fullest. ‘What’s in a name?’ He said to we can start by knowing what your name means and what you are called to be. He was named Dominic (which means belong to God). He was consecrated during baptism with this name and he desires nothing more than to serve the Lord until the end.  

  • Be a signage- a pointer

John the Baptist knew who he was- the one that points to Jesus. So must we – we must be a signage that points to God.

  • Be a witness

You need to experience God before you can be a witness. When you experience to joy and love of Christ, you will not be able to contain it but will share this experience with others.

Fr. Dom finally concluded by saying- “love your God, love yourself and love others”.