Day 9: Mission to make “My Church My Home”
The 9th day novena mass was con celebrated by Monsignor Henry Rajoo with Rev. Fr. William Michael and Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Dom. The theme for the mass was a mission to make “My Church My Home”.
Msgr Henry explained that a home consist of a Father, Mother and Children. In a church, God is our Father in heaven, Mother Mary is our blessed mother and we are all the children. He said that our relationship with Mary and our Father in heaven was formed through the sacrificial blood of Jesus . What makes us one family is faith- we are baptized in the same faith.
Our mission in Malaysia is more challenging as we live in a diverse society; segmented by race and language. The church, he says has to go beyond all this. We need to break the mentality of dividing according to race and language. We need to love others as we love ourselves. Thus we are challenged to make “my church my home”.
He encouraged the congregation to go out and make friends with someone they have not met before. “Greet them and get to know them”. He asked the congregation to make this their mission.
The Procession
The procession had two beautifully decorated floats: one with the Mother Mary carrying baby Jesus and the other the Eucharist acompanied by ‘bunga Manggar’ and flower girls, candle bearers, the priests and congregation with lanterns reciting the rosary as they made their way along the Chain Ferry Road.