SCIC Triduum Day 4: Companions on Our Faith Journey
‘Faith journey is a difficult one’ said Fr. Patrick Massang. It is a journey that is winding and steep and can put our faith to test. That is why we need companions on this journey to pull us through the difficult times, when in temptation, when spiritually lost and hungry. The companions we need are the following:
1. Community and Congregation
The Community and Congregation play an important role in nurturing the people in faith. The people in our church community are the support system to ensure that the members are growing in faith. If we see a family in difficulty, the community is meant to help in any way possible to lift the suffering and help in this journey of dependence on God.
2. The Spiritual Leaders and Mentors
Spiritual leaders such as priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, or gurus can provide guidance, knowledge and wisdom to help navigate your faith journey. They can answer questions, offer counsel and serve as role models.
3. Family and friends/ BEC
Close family members and friends who share your faith or are supportive of your spiritual path can be invaluable companions. They can provide emotional support, engage in meaningful discussions and offer a sense of connection.
4. Sacred Texts and Scriptures
There are so many resources available today on the internet. With the current state of technology one can access videos, lectures and inspiring articles that feed us and nourish our faith. We need to enrich ourselves in faith and seek the truth.
CCC 2104 “All men are bound to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and his Church, and to embrace it and hold on to it as they come to know it.
5. Personal Prayer and meditation
Padre Pio. “Whoever does not meditate is like someone who never looks in the mirror before going out, doesn’t bother to see if he’s tidy, and may go out dirty without knowing it.”
Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness.’ St. John Chrysostom
Prayer allows us to make room for Christ to enters our hearts.
6. Nature
Many people find a connection to their faith through nature and the world around them. A total spiritual experience. A retreat from the hustle and bustle of life.
7. Challenges and Struggles
Wrinkles, white hair, scars, hurts are life’s experiences which give us wisdom and help us move closer to God.
8. Intercessors
We need intercessors- there are so many – choose one and ask them to intercede for you.
9. The Holy Spirit
We all need it. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. Mary and the disciples needed the advocate to carry on. Seek the guidance of the advocate in your faith journey.
10. The Sacraments
The sacraments helps us affirm our relationship with Christ. They are amazing graces!
Fr. Arulnathan Joseph’s 25th Sacerdotal Anniversary
Fr. Arul thanked everyone for the celebration. He felt blessed as he recapped his memories of taking his vows in the very same place 25 years ago. “Priesthood is not easy” he said, “we have our struggles but I have never regretted answering God’s call through this vocation”.
Farewell to Fr. John Paul