Joys of Our Faith Journey with Mary
After almost a year, the doors of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary opened for the 1st day of Triduum mass in preparation for the Feast Day and Rededication of the church on the 8th of September. It began with praise and worship followed by rosary. Fr. Dom called on the congregation to reflect on the joys and sorrows of their faith journey with Mary. He added that we give praise and thanks for the joys but we should arise from sorrow as people of hope; for sorrow is not the end.
In his homily, Fr. Dom recounted on his joys of faith journey with Mary in all the five parishes he had served. He said we are only able to appreciate our faith journey in the present by reflecting on our past and then moving forward with hope. He quoted that “scripture is the revelation of God in human history inviting man and woman to respond”. Our hope must be in Jesus liberating us as he did the deaf man (Mark 7:31-37).
In his experience as a young seminarian at the Church of Assumption in PJ, he learned about the spirit of giving from the parish priest Fr. Andrew. Fr Andrew believed in giving to any beggar since it is “our duty is to give but what he does with the money is his problem with God”.
Following that, he acquired the art of delegation and encouragement from Fr. Bernard Paul who empowered the leaders of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes to follow through necessary duties during his absence.
In Penang, as an assistant Parish Priest to Fr. Michael Thoo who was a very simple and thrifty, Fr. Dom learnt that changes can happen through the little things he can do. He took the advice of a visiting Italian priest that transformation takes place through small changes and so he began to improve on the outlook of the parish little by little.
His 4-year studies at the Parish of Holy Rosary, Philippines was challenging when he was sent to major in Canon Law. Upon expressing his doubt to the bishop, he was advised to “just give it a try” and so he did. He learned from the bishop the gift of persuasion rather than coercion encouraged him to persevere and that faith can see you through everything. He prayed hard and trusted God to complete his studies.
At the current parish, he has learned to make it happen. The building needed to be completed and the church restored. His joy is that he made it happen.
His faith journey has taught him that “to make it happen” in anything in life- one must first desire it then decide to pursue it and to do it even in the faces of resistance and deal with it because we are all leaders. He added that God is with us and we need to move forward with trust in Him. – SR