Through the Senses, To the Heart: An Experience of the Passion of Christ
The room was silent, enveloped in sacred stillness. As the Recollection began, the words on the screen emerged, a gentle plea from the Saviour to His precious one:
“My beloved, I see into your heart. I know your struggles, your weaknesses, your moments of doubt. I do not condemn you; I only love you. When you choose the world over me, I do not turn away—I wait for you. I long for you. Will you return to me?”
Guided by profound meditations on the moments of Christ’s passion and death, about 30 parishioners participated in the Lenten Recollection, A Journey with Christ on Saturday, 8th March.
The dimly lit room was thick with the aroma of frankincense. Before them stood a simple yet powerful display: a crucifix and the instruments of the Passion—a whip, a crown of thorns, dice, hammer, and nails—each evoking vivid images of the Lord’s suffering.
This was not an ordinary retreat. It was a pilgrimage of the heart, inviting participants to walk intimately with Jesus through His Passion, suffering, and ultimate act of sacrificial love in obedience to the Father.

The experience was designed to engage all the senses. Each participant received a kit containing seven symbolic items: coins, a piece of rope, a thorned twig, a small cross, a nail, cotton soaked in vinegar, and a piece of black cloth.
With their kits in hand, participants directed their attention to the screen where scenes of Christ’s Passion played out. Reflections, meditative guidance, and prompts invited them to engage with the symbolic items at precise moments, drawing them deeply into the mystery of His suffering and love.
The journey began in Gethsemane with Judas’ betrayal and progressed through each harrowing step of Christ’s Passion, culminating in His death on the cross. One by one, participants engaged with the items from their kits, following the prompts on screen. They felt textures, inhaled scents, heard sounds, and experienced the scenes enfolding before their eyes. The tangible elements drew them deeper into His Passion, inviting them to walk alongside Christ—seeing, touching, and feeling the weight of His journey.
It was a deeply personal experience with sacred silence maintained the whole time. A response to the Father’s call to return to Him, setting aside distractions and humbly seeking repentance and renewal. Throughout the recollection, participants had the opportunity to write their personal response to Jesus. Whether it was a prayer, a struggle, an expression of gratitude, or a renewed commitment, they poured out their heart to Him.

After a short break, the second part of the Recollection began with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It was a time to console the heart of Christ with their presence, offer reparation for moments of indifference to His love, and receive strength to endure trials and temptations.
Many left feeling profoundly blessed and renewed. The experience of physically engaging with the symbols of Christ’s Passion deepened their understanding of His sacrifice. It was, as some described, a beautiful encounter with grace that left a lasting impression on their hearts.
In a world incessantly distracted by noise and haste, this Lenten Recollection offered something invaluable: an invitation to slow down, to be still, and to experience the Lord’s Passion not as a distant event of the past, but a living promise of redemption for each of us today. (KA)
The participants share their experience…
“When I entered the small room, everything was dark and I couldn’t see much. But then when they started to show the video I felt so pity for God because He died for our sins and we are still doing mistakes. I felt so sad and almost cried and I thought of being a good girl to God and others.” (Alexandra, age 10)
“The Lenten Recollection is something I went for without any expectations but it was an experience that I will never forget. I particularly appreciated how each participant received a kit, making the journey more personal as the objects in the kit allowed me to engage more deeply. It was heartbreaking to picture what our Saviour had to go through for the sake of this sinful world. With every object I held, I could only imagine the sorrows that He felt.” (Anastasia, age 15)
“A beautiful moment of contemplation and reflection as the Holy Spirit stirred in our hearts areas that needed healing, conversion and reconciliation with God.” (Maryann)
“The nailing of Jesus touched me deeply, showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. It’s a reminder that I’m crucifying Jesus on the cross every time I sin. The ambience and silent adoration felt so peaceful and I could feel the presence of Jesus.” (Cristopher)
In that hour of reflection, as I quieted my mind, touching and feeling each object with my heart, I came to realise that when we know the intensity of Christ’s suffering and his ‘raw’ courage to do the Father’s will, we will be able to comprehend a little of Christ’s immense love for us. This is why martyrs were ready to give up their lives for Christ, though aware of the sufferings and pains that lay ahead, and Saints changed their ways—all because they had encountered that love of Christ for them. As the hour rolled by, we also experienced the love, courage, and sufferings of Mother Mary. I shuddered and dared not watch the scenes portraying the sufferings of Jesus and his mother as they shared that lonely path to Calvary. It took real courage, committed faith in God’s will, and great love. We left that sacred space, with Christ saying to us, “I love you, go with my love, hope, and courage, my beloved friends.” It was an impactful, touching, spiritual, and grace-filled experience for us. The Recollection gave us the chance to experience a little of the immense love of Christ for each of us. And once we have encountered Christ’s love, we can never see Christ, ourselves, and others the same way again. (AJE)