One Week Into Lent: What is the Lord Asking of You?

It’s been a week since Ash Wednesday. A week since we heard the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” A week since we traced the cross on our foreheads and stepped into this season of renewal.

How has it been? Have we kept our Lenten promises? Have we drawn closer to the Lord? Or has life swept us back into its usual rhythm, making Lent feel like just another temporary commitment?

But maybe, just maybe, God isn’t asking for something grand. Maybe He’s simply asking for a little bit more.

A little more time in prayer. A few extra moments of silence to hear His voice. Not long hours, not overwhelming disciplines, just a little more.

Maybe He’s asking us to fast, not just from food, but from grumbling, from complaining, from those unkind words that slip out too easily. Maybe our sacrifice this Lent is not about what we give up, but what we hold back.

And perhaps the greatest act of love we can offer is not a donation, not a big gesture, but simply giving others what they truly need, our undivided attention, our quality time, our respect. In a world filled with noise and distractions, being fully present to someone might just be the greatest gift we can give.

Lent isn’t about perfection. It’s about the small, sincere steps we take towards God and towards one another. And even if the first week didn’t go as planned, the beauty of this season is that today, right now, is another chance to begin again.

So, what is the Lord asking of you this Lent?

Just a little bit more.

A Few Ways to Start:

  • Set aside five extra minutes each day for prayer or quiet reflection.
  • Catch yourself before complaining, replace it with gratitude.
  • Give someone your full attention in conversation, put the phone away, listen with your heart.
  • Perform one small act of kindness each day, expecting nothing in return.
  • End each night by thanking God for the little ways He moved in your day.

Lent is a journey, not a race. Let’s walk it with intention, one step at a time. (BV)

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