A Lenten Journey of the Heart

Lent isn’t just about giving things up. It’s not about proving how disciplined we are or checking off a list of religious to-dos. It’s about getting real with God. It’s about stepping back, looking at our lives, and asking: Am I actually growing closer to Him? Or am I just going through the motions?

On Ash Wednesday, we hear these powerful words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” That’s not meant to scare us, it’s meant to wake us up. We spend so much time chasing things that won’t last, success, status, comfort but Lent reminds us that our true home, our true purpose, is with God. Everything else? Temporary. But His love? That’s forever.

The prophet Joel says: “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts, not your garments.” In other words, don’t just go through the motions. Don’t just give up chocolate or coffee and call it a day. Let God into the parts of your life that actually need changing. The places where you’ve been holding back, where you know you need Him most.

Jesus takes it even further. He warns us not to do good just to be seen by others: “Be careful not to do your good works in front of others just to be seen by them.” Have you ever done something good but secretly hoped people would notice? Maybe you gave to charity, but also made sure to mention it in conversation. Maybe you fasted, but wanted people to know how much you were “sacrificing.” Jesus calls us to something deeper, faith that isn’t about performance, but about relationship.

Jesus gives us three powerful tools for Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Not just as rituals, but as ways to realign our hearts.

  • Prayer – When was the last time you prayed just to be with God? Not to ask for something. Not to fill the silence. Just to sit with Him? Prayer isn’t about the perfect words, it’s about presence.
  • Fasting – It’s not just about giving up food. It’s about learning to rely on God more than anything else. What’s one thing in your life that competes for your attention? Social media? Netflix? The constant need to be busy? Maybe that’s what you need to fast from.
  • Almsgiving – It’s more than donating money. It’s about seeing people. Really seeing them. Who in your life needs encouragement? Who needs time, attention, kindness? Giving isn’t just about what’s in your wallet, it’s about what’s in your heart.

Lent isn’t meant to be depressing. It’s an opportunity. A reset button. A time to stop pretending, stop performing, and just be honest with God. Yes, we are dust but we are dust loved by God. We are dust with a purpose. Dust with a future beyond this life.

So, as we wear these ashes, let them be more than a symbol. Let them mark a new beginning. A time to let go of pride, of fear, of anything that keeps us from God. A time to choose Him again.

This Lent, let’s not just go through the motions. Let’s go deeper. Let’s seek God, not for show, not for approval, but because He is everything. (BV/FD)

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