Senior Citizens: Lauds and Vespers (Workshop 1)

15 May 2024 (Wed 4-5 pm @ NBVM Digital Library)

Bro Boniface conducted the first workshop on how to pray the Lauds and Vespers for senior citizens. He explained that the Lauds (morning prayer) and Vespers (evening prayer) also known as Liturgy of the Hours is a compulsory prayer for the clergy. The laity is also encouraged to pray together at the appropriate hours. Bro Bonnie took time to explain carefully the need to always pray. Although the calling for the faithful is to pray 7 times a day i.e Lauds, terce, sect, none, vespers, compline and office of readings, the Catholic Church focuses on the 2 main prayers Lauds and Vespers for the laity.
There will be 2 more sessions on 22.5.24 and 12.6.24.