Holiness is Like Salt; its Usefulness to Others Must Begin with Self

This week, Jesus reminds us that we are “ are the salt of the earth and the light of the world” Both are useful to others. But if salt loses its saltiness- it is of no use to others and if the light is kept under a bowl- it does not give light to others. 

Fulton Sheen explains that we are to be holy and shed light for others so that they too might become holy. Our piety, holiness and spirituality are not for our own sake to be kept safe and hidden but rather to be of use to others so that others too will find the way to God.

Holiness is like salt; its usefulness to others must begin with self. As only the wise man can impart wisdom to others, so only the saintly can communicate sanctity. A man can bring forth to others only those treasures which he already has in his own heart.” –Bishop Fulton Sheen

Fulton Sheen during his conversation with Mother Theresa asked her how she catechized to the poor in Calcutta. She said that while taking care of the needy, she would ask if they would like to know about Jesus.  Their reply would be “Is Jesus like you?” “No,” Mother Teresa would reply, “I’m trying to be like him.” ( https://apologetics.com/heavenly-minded-and-earthly-good).

Being salt and light of the world is trying to be like Jesus. It is our mission to remind the world of Jesus.