Remember the ALTAR When You Pray

This Sunday in breaking the word, Fr. Dom urged the congregation to pray all the time. He said when Moses raised his hands to heaven, the Jews were winning the battle against the Amalekites but when his hands were down, they began to lose (Ex 17: 8-13). He reminded the congregation of the Parable of the Persistent Widow and what Jesus said “they should always pray and not give up” (Lk 18: 18). To help the congregation to pray, he coined the word ALTAR- he said, “you come to the altar to pray and so remember the ALTAR when you pray”.

A_Adore the Lord our God

L_listen to the Lord in your heart (sit down and quiet yourself to listen to the Lord)

T_thank the Lord for all the things He has done in your life, be thankful in every circumstance and for everything and thank the people who have helped you in your life

A_Ask and you shall be given. God will grant our prayer but according to His will and His time.  We must also do our part put the prayer into action and take an effort to change our life to be more like Christ.

R_Rejoice in everything, for example, struggles in life, thank God for this as you become stronger with the experiences. (by Maria Choo)