Called Despite Our Unworthiness

In explaining the readings this week, Fr. Damian said that each of the characters – Isaiah, Paul and Peter felt unworthy to serve God. When they were touched by grace, they felt unworthy and repented. God then empowered them and set them on their mission.

Likewise, all of us are unworthy but God is still calling us on a mission to save those trapped in the labyrinth of worldly temptations. We have been empowered so that we can lead them out into the light.

For us to carry out the mission, we need to surrender to God as the disciples did. The gradual transformation in Peter shows us how he first allowed Jesus to take control of his boat (possession), then his heart and finally his life. We too need to allow God to transform us to be empowered for our missions. Give him your heart and surrender to His will. Allow him to mould you into the being you were meant to be as he did with Isaiah, Paul and Peter.

Henri Nouwen tells us “a true disciple of Jesus will always go to where people are feeling weak, broken, sick, in pain, poor, lonely, forgotten, anxious, and lost. It is often hard to go to places of weakness and rejection to offer consolation and comfort.  It is possible only when we discover the presence of Jesus among the poor and weak and realize the many gifts they have to offer.” Henri J.M. Nouwen, Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit

He adds that discipleship requires discipline – discipline in the spiritual life means giving God space to act in us. As disciples, we need to spend time alone with God to listen to the voice that calls us.

Learn to live at God’s hands. St. Edith Stein