Believing and Belonging – Do Not Be an Obstacle to Growth but Embrace Variety and Promote Inclusivity
In this week’s readings, Fr. Dom explained that two significant themes emerge- believing and belonging. As a Catholic, one belongs to the Catholic Church and the community. One takes part in the activities and ministries of the parish.
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In 1990, Grace Davie wrote an article on the rise of secularism in Britain titled ‘Believing without Belonging’. It was found in her study that even though people believed in the religion but the number of people belonging to the church was dwindling. The reasons given were that the evil that had occurred in the church and people did not have time to go to church. Fr. Dom said, that a similar pattern seems to emerge these days especially with people choosing to attend online masses and not make time to go to church. He said that mass registrations are not full. As such, he urged the parishioners to ponder on the following questions: Why do we want to be part of this church? How do we look at those who do not belong e.g (pagans) but have more faith?
Fr. Dom said the ‘spirit blows where it wills’ – even in those who are not part of the community. He related an observation that touched him of a non-believer- who showed much reverence and honour to Mother Mary when entering the church. He said that the boss of the cleaning agency hired to clean the church after the renovation raised his hands and honoured the statue of Mother Mary that was close to the altar before starting his work. Fr. Dom said that there have been incidences when he has observed Catholics hardly showing reverence to the presence of Jesus at the altar.
We need to discern as Moses and Jesus did in the readings. When Joshua complained about Eldad and Medad prophesying, Moses explained that it is God who bestows the spirit. We are not to be jealous! In a similar incident in the gospel (Mark 9: 38-43) when the disciples complained about someone working miracles in the name of Jesus, Jesus explained, “anyone who is not against us is for us”.
As such, there are three important lessons we can learn, said Fr. Dom.
- Uniformity vs Variety– We should celebrate the variety of gifts in the church. He shared an example of how Bishop Sebastian does not force uniformity but rather embraces variety- if the parish can move forward through their own creativity.
- Obstacles vs blessing– ‘let’s not be an obstacle for someone else’s growth – for example parents should allow their children to grow. They should encourage and give space for children to develop and think by not making all the decisions for them.
- Exclusivity vs inclusivity– don t be jealous of others who can serve in different ways
In short, we are not in control of the spirit and God provides gifts according to His will. As believers, we are not to be an obstacle to someone’s growth but rather embrace variety and promote inclusivity so that we create an atmosphere of belonging in the church.
At the end of the celebration, Fr. Dom explained that beginning next week the Parish Mass praying for the parish and parishioners’ intentions (as per the Canon Law) will be at 9am at NBVM. He explained that there are still some renovations pending and thus it is not conducive to have more masses at NBVM. Weekday masses will also start beginning this week. He hoped that those registered for My Gift will contribute as these contributions are used for supporting ministries such as improving our online ministry and other upgrade works. He thanked all those who have been tirelessly contributing to the church in kind and cash. He particularly that Anna Ong and her family for contributing flowers to the church for the past 20 years. – SR