Volunteers reflect past experiences, share future hopes
It was a joyful reunion for some 20 parish Mass volunteers who got together on Zoom, last Friday, 30th July to catch up with each other.
Beginning with a reading and reflection of Acts 14:1-5 led by Fr Dom, the attendees revisited the journey the apostles went through in proclaiming the Good News to a congregation which had its mind poisoned. Fr Dom added that in our current situation, our minds are attacked by a poison of a different kind: fear. He called on everyone to rise to the challenge of having a positive attitude and continuing to proclaim the Good News in our day to day lives.
Following a light-hearted video on the fight against Covid-19, the attendees got into their breakout rooms to share about their experiences as Mass volunteers as well as future hopes for the parish. Many shared that they enjoyed welcoming parishioners as they were checked-in for Masses. Getting to know names and exchanging friendly greetings at the entrance has been a small but wonderful way to bring back community spirit, fractured by months of minimal contact and physical distancing.
The volunteers also shared that parishioners have been greatly understanding and cooperative towards the various standard operating procedures that need to be followed, making it easy for them to do their tasks. There were also some suggestions on ways to improve processes and obtaining better equipment.
On aspirations for our parish, the hope that the pandemic will soon end, and that the community will be able to gather again was one that was shared by all. With a beautifully renovated church and a brand-new pastoral centre ready for use, it is hoped that restrictions will be lifted soon that these places may be abuzz with the joys and fruits of community living.
I wish to request personal confession sacrament from the Catholic Church as I did not yet do confession since January 2019. I hope the church could arrange for me this upcoming Tuesday 10 August 2021 since it is holiday. Thanks.
Hi Cyril,
Please contact the parish office to arrange.
Thank you.