Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Go Online for MCO
The movement control order (MCO) instituted since mid May has once again denied us opportunities to gather publicly for Masses and other prayer services. It is during these times that we especially remember the joy and comfort of worshipping as a community in church. While it is by no means a perfect substitute, the parish has initiated Eucharistic adoration and Rosary recitations that are broadcasted virtually to provide us a means to come together to worship the Lord during these challenging times.
Spending time with the Lord, albeit virtually every Friday at noon has indeed been a gift to many who have tuned in to the live broadcasts of the Eucharistic adoration on the parish Facebook page. Led by Fr Dominic, intentions of personal healing, an end to the pandemic and for the whole world have been presented before the Lord these past few weeks. The faithful who join in also post their personal petitions. The 30 minutes of quiet time right smack in the middle of the day has been such a welcomed opportunity to simply surrender and find consolation and rest in the Lord.
Another prayer initiative that took place in May is Rosary recitations, conducted via Zoom and also live broadcasted on the parish Facebook page. At the most recent session on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr Dom called on parishioners to emulate Mother Mary, who despite being pregnant herself travelled a distance to be with her cousin Elizabeth and serve her during her time of need. He reminded those who are in more privileged and comfortable situations to reach out to those in need, be it through a phone call or providing any other service they might need.
These virtual prayer sessions have been attracting an increasing number of participants, both within the parish and from other parts of the state and country. They are a wonderful reminder of what it means to be Church during these times when we are not able to congregate physically for Masses. We thank God for the gift of technology that enables us to organise these virtual events as well as for all the volunteers who have been contributing their time and expertise to ensure the smooth running of these events.