Covid19 Third Wave & Us
With the raging 3rd wave of the Covid19 spread and the need to carry on with our life, whether spiritual/work/career/studies, etc., perhaps it is timely to share some thoughts with our beloved parishioners.
No, we still do not have a perfect solution to guarantee the safety of the faithful, whilst attending mass but as we strive towards striking a balance, we would like to remind everyone to try our best to follow the basic rules, which includes:
- Wearing of face-masks (covering nose and mouth at all times).
Yes, it is uncomfortable to wear mask, but the good news is that once we get used to it, it is really nothing too difficult actually.
- Observing physical distancing (no crowding and gathering for chit-chats after masses).
Yes, it is also difficult to fight the urge to hang around and chat with fellow parishioners as we are all by nature, sociable people. But should there be a need, let us continue to practice physical distancing and be mindful of making such conversations short and sweet.
- Personal hygiene (sanitizing and washing our hands frequently).

We would like to assure all parishioners that the NBVM/SCIC Covid19 Taskforce are doing the best we can with our limited resources, and to strike a balance. Many hours had been spent discussing the measures we need to enforce whilst being sensitive to the spiritual needs of the faithful.
Our individual expectations, perceptions and risk tolerance of the pandemic differ from one another. Some people are very particular whilst other are “cool” and are not too worried, while most of us would fall somewhere in between.
We rely on the generosity of many volunteers to carry their assigned duties before and during masses and sometimes we may make mistakes or overlook certain things or even face difficulties / resistance.
We may have, at times, seemed to have fallen short on some expectations, for not doing enough, for not being strict enough, for not understanding the situation well enough, for not being courteous enough, and the list goes on.
For our shortcomings, we seek the patience, understanding and co-operation from all parishioners.
As a community, let us continue to be mindful of our own and our fellow parishioners’ safety by practising and following the new-normal way of being church.
And lastly, let us continue to pray that the pandemic will be under control and for a vaccine to be available soon. Let us also pray for one another as a community, for patience, tolerance and to trust that our God will protect us from all harm.
Take care, stay safe and God bless! – SC
Beautifully compiled and said. I’ll try my best to observe all regulations. Let’s fight the spread of COVID together as one family of God.