We Pray For Our Sunday Worship
I am now enlightened on the true essence of faith and the obligation to worship Mass on Sunday at Church. I now come to understand that even though I can pray anywhere and anytime, the prayers of community at Mass gives me the grace of fellowship. At church I can feel the community and gain strength from them. ‘As it is, the parts are many, but the Body is one’ (1Corinthians 12:20)
The Mass is my weekly connection to God with the believers. I need this life-giving connection with Christ and His people. The Church is a living structure with love, discipleship and charitable influences within our community, neighbours and fellow catholics.
I am blind to my own faults, but at Church I can see the perspective given by my parish priest and fellow catholics on my journey to Christlikeness. The church is God’s gift to us. Live by it. We are the lambs and as long as we are with the flock, and close to our shepherd, we are safe and comforted.
I now come to a realisation that my serial attendance to church for Sunday worship gives the true meaning of the church as a Home and Family for the community. I now see the light of worshipping GOD with God’s people. The faith community is what strengthens our belief and keeps our faith alive and vibrant. It is time. I pray we get to attend Mass at Church.
Christopher Kushi, PJK, KHS