Where is God?

“Where is God? Where is God in the midst of all this pandemic, pain, sorrow and anguish?” This is a question many of us are asking today said Fr. Dom in his homily on the 2nd week of Lent. “Do not look for God outside because God is within us”, he reassured. He reiterated that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God is in us and within us.

If we are to find God within us, we need to listen to him (Mat 17:1-9) urged Fr. Dom. In the Gospel reading, Jesus is transfigured in the presence of his disciples- Peter, James and John; Moses the law giver and the greatest prophet Elijah. Up on the mountain, the disciples were privileged to have the God experience but they could not remain there. They came down. In our lives too, we have had our God experience at its peak but we also have our trials, and hardships. Just as Jesus received his affirmation before his passion and death, the disciples too received their affirmation to “listen to Jesus”. So must we, listen to Him in the midst of our afflictions.

Next we to need to trust Jesus. He is faithful and “strength comes from God”(2 Tim 1:8b -9). Subsequently we need to go and do what God asks of us with conviction like Abraham. Abraham trusted God and went as instructed “Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you” (Gen 12:1-4). In return God made him the father of a great nation.

 “Have you had the God experience in your lives?” prodded Fr. Dom. He said, if you have not had one then there is something wrong in the way we pray or our faith journey. We need the God experience for us to trust in him and to go out with conviction and live our purpose in the midst of difficulties and trials.