A Season for Everything

Charles Swindoll in the book “ Living on the Ragged Edge” explains the verses from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 on “there is a season for everything under heaven” . He explains that life is like a coin and you can spend it in any way you want but only once. There are 86400 seconds in a day or 1440 minutes or 24 hours. Nothing is carried forward. We can spend it any way we want but only once.

Most of us have led a busy and hasty life, “mere chasing after the wind”.   Now everything has come to a halt –have to slowdown, stop jogging, cycling and even walking. Staying put seems like the hardest thing to do. We may not be able to comprehend what is happening around us. With no community worship, some of us feel the absence of being in a community- loneliness and isolation can be painful.

Now we have no choice but to wait- wait on the Lord not passively but actively – prayerful, hopeful and compassionate. In last week’s reading, Jesus tells us that God is in the spirit and thus we worship in the spirit.  Christian life is a journey – so may we take this time to heal- put aside anger, hurt and worry and pray for a profound change of hearts. God bless and stay safe.