Happiness vs Joy
“Everyone longs for joy”- said Fr. Mark Michael in his homily but the problem is many look for it outside. He said that there is a great difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is extrinsic – something obtained through gratification and it does not last long. Joy on the other hand is intrinsic- fruit of the Holy Spirit that comes from within. Joy is sacred and divine and it comes from being connected to Jesus 24/7. A selfish person will not find joy.
The last two weeks were hope and peace. As Catholics we need to give hope to the people we meet. Today’s society seeks external accolades and recognition (number As or likes in FB) and when they fall short in this race- they become hopeless. Jesus gave us hope when He said that he will be with us till the end of time.
Many Catholic families do not have peace. There is no such thing as happy ever after- it is an illusion. Jesus faced betrayal and the cross but he had peace and is peace. The peace, Jesus talks about is divine- that exists in the midst of chaos.
When we live in sin, we lose peace and when there is no peace there is no joy.
So when we connect with Jesus 24/7, we become aware of our sins, there is hope when we turn our lives around and peace is restored. When hope and peace are restored there is joy.