5 Good News
Fr. Dom began his sermon with an analogy of temptation and sinful choices. The story begins with the demon setting a donkey free in a farm. This freed donkey began eating and damaging the farm produce of the neighbor. The sight of chaos provoked the neighbour’s wife who shot the donkey in a rage. Soon the owner returned and took revenge by killing the the neighbour’s wife and this turn of events culminated with a series of killing between the neighbours. Fr. Dom concluded that all the demon did was release the donkey -set the tone for temptation but it is the human nature that reacts in anger, revenge and many others that contributes to a domino effect of sinful action. It all comes back to us – our choices . And so Fr. Dom said he has 5 good news to share:
It is never too late to repent
John the Baptist called everyone to repent- it is never too late to come back to God no matter how much you have sinned. It is never too late to make U-turn and lead a good life. It is never too late to reconcile with yourself, with others and with God.
- Do not give up
Do not give up because when you decide to turn your life around God will help you.
- Be a fruitful person
Join at least one ministry and be of service to others. Give your talent as a gift to God
- Beware of the Association mentality
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven”(Mat7:21)
Beware of the mentality that just because we serve in church, we are on the way to heaven.
He said that there are 3 kinds of people- one who are broken hearted and genuinely come seeking God, then you have those who observe waiting to point fault on others and the others who think that they are just too good.
- Be prepared for Christmas
Are we preparing for Christmas- get into the spirit of Christmas- listen to Christmas songs, put up ornaments , take time to reflect on the meaning of Advent – hope, peace, joy and love.