On Malaysia Day this year, a group of teenagers and young adults together with Fr. Dominic were up bright and early for a hike at the Cherok Tokun Nature Park. It was a beautiful morning with clear blue skies and no signs of the haze and rain that had been constantly present the days before.
Upon arrival at the Nature Park, everyone did some warm-up exercises and after a round of photo-taking, made their way to the start of the jungle trail. Led by some of the more experienced hikers, everyone hiked at their own pace while manoeuvring past roots, rocks, branches, and slopes. Along the way, there were various encounters with other hikers who were always ready with smiles, pleasant wishes and encouraging words. Any photo opportunity was not missed despite the challenge of trying to hold a camera while pushing away errant branches and walking down slopes.
After coming out from the jungle at Station 2, the group made its way downhill via the tar road. Everyone was in high spirits and could be heard singing happy songs. Upon completion of the hike, a hearty breakfast of nasi lemak, sandwiches, local kuih and drinks awaited the hungry hikers. The fellowship at the Nature Park was however short-lived due to a large group of monkeys showing enthusiastic interest in the food, so everyone adjourned to SCIC.
At SCIC, Fr. Dominic led the group in the ‘New Friend Found’ dance circle and then invited everyone to share their thoughts and experience during the hike. Fr. Dom stressed the importance of being a part of a community of like-minded individuals and urged everyone to form or join one to support and journey with each other. He added that more activities will be conducted to foster the growth of small communities among the young people in the parish and hoped everyone will continue to participate in them. (by KA)