Launching of the 85/25 Twin Celebrations
After the Feast Day Mass of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 September, everyone gathered in the church compound to witness the blessing and launch of the NBVM 85th anniversary & SCIC 25th anniversary twin celebrations 2020. In her speech, the chairperson of the Celebrations’ organizing committee, Madam Mavis Baptist outlined the various events that have been planned throughout the year leading to the twin celebrations. She also invited all parishioners especially those who are not involved in any ministry yet to actively take part in and contribute their talents and resources towards all these activities.
Fr. Dom in his prayer during launch said that “today we witness an historical moment- launching of a twin celebration. Many who began this journey are not here to witness it, we are indeed blessed to be here today to celebrate the launching of NBVM of 85 years and SCIC of 25 years with great joy. So we should mark this event as memorable and thank God for it.” He then blessed everyone.
The occasion was marked with the release of a bunch of helium balloons attached to a celebration bunting of the parish. (by KA and SR)