NBVM Youths Strike Up Some Fun

It was a truly special experience for 16 youths of our parish to bowl with both parish priests, Fr. Dominic and Fr. Louis at the Strike Up Some Fun event. The Sunday afternoon programme, which also included fellowship and food turned out to be a big hit among all who attended, with many looking forward to continued activities for the growth of this community of young people.
The event started off with an exciting and competitive round of bowling, where five teams battled for the title of champion. The priests proved to be no match for the rest as they led far ahead on the leader board, achieving strike after strike. Despite it being a competition, many dropped their competitive streak and were seen encouraging others, giving a tip here and a cheer there, creating a wonderful atmosphere of joy and great camaraderie.
After two games of bowling, everyone came together for a short reflection session, focussing on a message from St. Paul, “For as with the human body which is a unity although it has many parts, so it is with Christ.” (1 Cor 12:12). The youths were invited to reflect on the different roles each team member played during the game and how the day would not have been the same even if a single one of them were not present. Similarly, each individual is important and has a unique role to play in their small communities and in the world at large.
St. Paul further explains in his letter that each person makes up the many parts of the body of Christ. Everyone has been given unique talents and gifts that cannot be found in another person. We all need each other and are called to bring together our gifts and talents to our community, to love and serve each other. The youths were encouraged to offer their unique contributions towards forming a youth community in the parish, where they can journey with each other to provide support and friendship in living out their faith. At the end of the session, everyone was invited to ponder upon Psalm 139:14 “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” to understand the immense worth each person has in the eyes of God.
The day ended with a hearty dinner of KFC and everyone leaving with happy hearts and tummies. Strike Up Some Fun was organized by the working adult group, Call242 and was held on Sunday, 30th June 2019 at Megamall Bowling Centre. (by Kathlin Ambrose)