St. Paul’s Wisdom on Leadership
On Wednesday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, Fr Dominic turned to the first reading of the day (2 Cor 3:4-11) to draw inspiration for his homily. Father shared three points that he gathered from St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that we can all take to heart.
Firstly, is to trust God. St Paul writes that all our qualifications come from God, and we are confident of this through Christ. When faced with any situation, we must be confident that God always provides us with what we need, when we need it. Trusting God in everything must be the foundation of our lives, which is sure to bring greater outcomes than what we are capable of by ourselves.
Secondly, is to claim all our qualifications that come from God. We are each called to lead and serve in various initiatives and ministries both in church and elsewhere. When these opportunities arise, one should always claim them, instead of shying away, but with the awareness that all we accomplish is not due to our own abilities, but rather through graces from God.
Thirdly, is to always work for the common good. In living out and exercising the various roles and responsibilities entrusted to us, we must always aim to only do that which will bring good for all. St Paul writes that the administering of the written letters (the law) brings death but the administering of the Spirit gives life. We must therefore be prudent and seek inspiration from the Spirit in all our actions, so as to only bring life to those around us. Our aim must always be to build instead of to condemn.(by Kathlin Ambrose)