Sometime in January 2019, Fr. Dom encouraged the parishioners to participate in designing a logo for the Butterworth Parish that would include both NBVM and SCIC. The logo was intended to provide an identity for the parish. After having received almost 10 entries for the competition, through a voting process it was evident that one particular design stole the hearts of the parishioners. It was the essence of peace, unity and faith that won the competition.

The logo was further improved to enhance the elements of the Christian faith. Subsequently, the following design emerged:

Since a logo should visually communicate our identity, a subtle design that conveys Christ presence and the work of the Holy Spirit in a community set on a mission, the above design seemed loud and complex. With further fine-tuning, the following logo was presented to Parish Pastoral Council (PPC):

The above logo subtle with a minimal design conveys the profound and compelling identity:
- NBVM and SCIC are the Churches of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Sts. Chastan and Imbert as one parish centered on Christ.
- the cross in the middle symbolizes Christ as the head.
- blue represents the colour of our Blessed Virgin Mary
- red represents the blood of the martyrs
- the incomplete circle symbolizes openness, creativity and room for growth
- the dove represents the power of the Holy Spirit and peace that flows in and through the community set on a mission to share the experience of Christ’s love and peace.
Thus the much awaited logo was endorsed and approved by the PPC. In short, the logo is our identity of one parish consisting of two churches united in Christ growing in faith through the spirit to be missionaries of peace, love and hope.