Feast of Corpus Christi
During the homily, Fr. Dom focused on the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Jesus feeds 5000 thousand because a little boy had the heart to share his 5 loaves and two fishes. Jesus multiplies these little food to feed the multitude. Fr. Dom stressed that we too are blessed with the 5 loaves and two fishes. Jesus encourages to share the little we have, because the little we have is enough to feed the hunger of the multitude. It is in sharing and giving that the power of God’s love and mercy comes to life. We become one with Christ. So share what you have- it will only multiply.

Fr. Dom also related the story of the miracle of the 8th Century Lanciano, when the bread and wine was transformed into flesh and blood during the Eucharistic celebration. The priest celebrating the mass had doubted and the transformation took place while he recited the prayer. Sometime in 1971, through scientific analysis it was confirmed that the flesh was indeed of human.