Put Out into the Deep

During the sunset mass on the 9th of February, Fr. Dom, the parish priest of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Sts. Chastan and Imbert, explained that the gospel Lk 5: 1-11 reflects Jesus intention, our (disciples’) response and Jesus’s invitation. Jesus intention is that he wants us to have a deeper relationship with him. This intention is vividly depicted in the gospel when Jesus gets into the boat with the fishermen and asks Peter and the others to fish again in deeper waters where there is a lot of fish.  

Having been a fisherman all his life, Peter responds that they had worked hard all night long and he knows his trade. Fr. Dom said that like Peter, many of us too are doubtful of what is in store. However, we see faith intervene soon enough for Peter to change his mind and adhere to Jesus’s call. That faith in Jesus, Fr. Dom explained contributed to a fruitful catch and their relationship moved to another level –a deeper level; that of discipleship. The fruitful catch was overflowing that they signaled the other boats to join in in the catch. This symbolizes that when we have a deeper relationship with Jesus, we cannot keep the joy to ourselves alone but share it with others. The boat symbolizes the church. Each of us are at a different level in relationship with Jesus, some are in the boat, others at the shore, but we need to come together as one in mind and heart.

Fr. Dom then related the reading in Isaiah, as Jesus’s invitation “whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger? He shared his own response to the invitation at a very young age, “Here I am, send me”. Peter was overwhelmed with the catch and felt he was a sinful man and not worthy of the call. Here Fr. Dom affirms that Jesus assures us ‘do not be afraid’ (Lk5:10) and that he would be with us till the end of time (Mat 28:20). The final decision is clear, the disciples left everything to follow him similarly we too need to let go of certain things in our lives to follow Jesus.

Fr. Louis, the Assistant Parish Priest during the Sunday morning mass, explained God invites us to conversion and mission. Although we may not feel worthy as Peter, Paul and even Isaiah, God calls us in a simple way. He related his personal experience. At the age of 30, he had accomplished much in his life and had acquired assets and was having a good life. Yet he felt a missing piece. Getting into a relationship did not fill that void. Then one day, in church when they made an announcement regarding a vocation/ discernment camp, he felt a prompting to attend it. At the camp he encountered a deep a relationship with Christ and joined the seminary. God’s voice continued until he took his final vows.

Similarly, he said God is calling us and if you feel your heart burning when you hear God’s word, that is God’s invitation. No one is worthy but through the grace of God we are made worthy to serve him. After mass, signifying the 7th day of Chinese New Year celebration red “angpows” with 5 ten cents coins and mandarin oranges were given to parishioners symbolizing the 5 talents (Mat 25: 14-30). The parishioners were then asked to multiply their talents.