Children’s Christmas Party
The Children’s Christmas Party was held at the Hall of Sts. Chastan and Imbert Church on the 16th December 2018 after the 8.30 am morning mass. The party was organized by the Catechism teachers of the three language groups.
The party was open to children aged 1 to 12 years. About 280 children registered to buy tickets that were sold at RM5. The toys were sponsored by Dato Albert Michael as in previous years. Children were all delighted with their gifts. To make the party merrier, the confirmands prepared fun games for children aged 4 to 12. Every kid was seen having fun, thanks to a fantastic effort by the confirmands. They also did a spectacular job at decorating the hall and creating a festive atmosphere. All present were treated to a medley of carols in all three languages.
At the end of the party, Fr. Loi blessed everyone with a closing prayer and thanked all the teachers and wished them a merry Christmas. (by Ann Nathan)