Advent: Pray and Prepare Your Heart

On 2nd December, the 1st day of Advent, the mass in BM was celebrated by Fr. Reginaldus Piperno from the Archdiocese of Ende, Indonesia.

In his sermon, Fr. Reginaldus reminded the congregation that there are 4 weeks of advent and the purpose is to prepare our hearts for the Lord. He explained that Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation. He gently warned the congregation “be on your guard” and ‘be prepared”.  He urged all not to leave their faith or Jesus because of relationships or jobs. We should always be on our guard because we don’t know when the Lord will come. One way we can prepare ourselves for advent is by praying. He encouraged all to pray together. He stressed that we have a loving God who never abandons us in our journey and whatever the circumstances. When we put our trust in him, even our suffering will turn to joy. With Jesus there is always assurance.

