Closing of the Marian Month
The closing of the Marian month culminated on 31st October 2018 with rosary followed by mass and fellowship. Each family brought a rose as a love offering to our Lady and placed them at the Grotto. The mass was celebrated at NBVM by Rev. Fr. Louis Loi( the Asst Parish Priest ).
In his homily, Fr. Louis explained that Jesus is warning those who are presumptuous. He said we should not assume that things will happen according to what we want. The danger of this is that we may end up rejecting the truth and may not open our hearts to change. He is asking us to go through the narrow door. Jesus came to love and that is the reason he is warning us. Jesus is mercy and compassion. He urged the congregation to pray for wisdom- wisdom to discern right from wrong. He added that in conjunction with Marian month, we should continue to recite the rosary.