God’s providence vs coincidence

In the opening prayer, Fr. Dom prayed that all including the priests and laity lead a life worthy of vocation and stressed on the verse of the Psalm 23: 1 “ Such are the men who seek your face, O Lord” .


During the homily, Fr. Louis shared how God’s providence guides all things. Sometimes He sends a sign to say He is there or be Christ like. He shared a situation of a priest who did not know how to handle a parishioner; he felt a word that popped up in his head at that moment- Caritas (charity). Similarly, how do we know that it is a sign from God? People who lead a life of consistent prayer, see it as providence while others view it as coincidence. Those who walk in faith, know that that they don’t have to figure out everything and know that God will take care. They live in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Fr. Louis prodded the congregation with the following questions:

Do I listen to the sign of God?

Do I listen to His promptings?

He then asked all to pray for healing of the victims of the sexual abuse, the priests involved and also those wrongly accused. He prayed for purification, healing and renewal of the Catholic Church.
