Day 2: Live Inside Out


In his homily, Fr. Louis Loi said:
People always ask me, is buying a 4d Lottery a sin? Is it okay? The right question is: what is the intention? What is it for? For whom? Is it to help people? If the motive is for a good purpose then it is okay. However, if you are gambling your money away and depriving your family of necessities, then it is wrong.

Don’t be hypocrites like the Pharisees. Your faith should be lived inside out. Don’t be a show off to others. Do you want people to see that you are a pious catholic by coming to church, but your heart is not faithful to His commands? God wants your right intention from the heart. A true follower cannot be satisfied by external things. Very often we think and decide from the mind. So it is hard to embrace everyone with openness. Do it from the heart. It is easier to accept people.

Just like a garden, it needs water and taking care off. You must take time to make the garden blossom. This is not easy. Your faith must be like that. You must try to live the life of Jesus. Be the person God is calling you to be. Sometimes we choose what we like from the gospel and discard things that we find hard to accept. That is not a Christian way of life. As a Christian, we need to keep trying and be a true disciple.

Blessing of the Youths and Single Adults

Fr. Louis Loi prayed over the youths and single adults and blessed them