Day 3 Triduum: Our Mission

The 3rd day of Triduum mass was concelebrated by Monsignor James Gnanapragasam from College General with Rev. Fr. Dominic Santhiyagu and Rev. Fr. Louis Loi. The veneration of the relics (real bones) of our Martyrs of Sts Chastan and Imbert took place from 4 to 6 pm.

Veneration of the Relics


Monsignor James Pragasam in his homily on Mission drew similarities on the lives of Bishop Oscar Romero, Jesus and Sts. Chastan and Imbert. He said that all of them were called to a mission in peace but it soon turned into a mission on the path to persecution.

Bishop Oscar Romero was conservative and traditional when he was first appointed as Archbishop of El Salvador. The military and the wealthy people were pleased with his conservatism. Not long after that he was severely affected by the assassination of his good friend Fr. Grande and the oppression of the El Salvador poor. This string of events transformed him into a radical person in support of the liberation of the people. He worked with the poor of El Salvador and voiced out against the atrocities and terrorization of the people. This change in him to do the work of God made the military unhappy. In 1980 while he was celebrating mass, he was shot and killed.

Jesus chose 12 apostles to carry out his mission in peace – to preach, heal and deliver. However in Matthew 10:28, the scene changes and Jesus says to his apostles “do not to be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body”. Here, he said that Jesus is warning the apostles of their mission that entails persecution.

Similarly, when Jacques Chastan and Imbert left France to preach in Penang, they never would have thought that they would be martyred in Korea. They thought they were called on a peaceful mission to preach but it turned into persecution.

Our mission, said Monsignor is to give witness. Jesus said that “if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of human beings, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven” (Mat 10: 32).

He then told the story of how this church was named Sts. Chastan and Imbert. These men walked on our land and knew the struggles of the people. He said that we could seek their intercession for us but what is more important is their witnessing that we need to follow. No saint is greater than the other, only God gives. All saints are friends of Jesus.

Monsignor James highlighted that Pope Francis has set October 2019 as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. He said that we are called to live faithful lives. He echoed the words of the pope that Jesus is knocking from the inside to open our hearts and go out and bring joy to others. He explained that the church has to be alive and lead a constant exodus, pilgrimage and exile. He also said that many youth go to temples not because of faith but because of friends. So we need to reach out and be friends.